Monday, July 30, 2007

Walk with me

I have been reading this book called Completely His by Channon Ethridge. Her web
Well, this book is amazing. She tells how tragedy guided her to her intimate relationship with Christ. How we are the bride of Christ and how he longs for an intimate relationship with him. She says, "The Creator of the universe woos and pursues you with unimaginable passion. He longs for you to be completely His." I love this.
Christ wants me to be His bride! I have been slacking on my quiet time lately, I usually rise at 6am to read my bible and pray. So, last Saturday I actually rose and spend my time with Him. I read my book a little then my bible and started my prayer time, praying Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that Iam God." I ask God to help me be still and listen to Him. Well, I just felt God saying "walk with me". I thought it kind of odd. I live on an air base and I couldn't exactly leave the kids at the house (my husband was already at work). So, reluctantly I grabbed a sweater and stepped outside. My dog, Koda meet me at the door. So I petted her and thought of how silly this was. Then I felt it again "walk with me". So, I began walking toward the back of our fence to look out at the field behind our home. Then I felt "stop", I did and then look down, there was a morning glory and some baby's breath, I thanked God for the flowers as I picked them up, now smiling from ear to ear. I continued my walk to the fence and then lend against the railing of my fence. The birds where chirping and flying over head. Two dragonflies catch my eyes, they were fly together like lovers, the one all of a sudden flew away. I thought of all the times I had left God and followed my own ways. I asked for forgiveness and that He would help me not to leave His will again. That I would please Him and glorify Him in my life. I started my way back to the house, thankful for all the things God had shown me and said to me. The birds sang and I sang with them "This is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it". As I stepped into my home, I looked down at my flowers, and I felt Him say "your wedding bouquet, my dear." I am His bride.
That night we when to our usually Saturday night worship service. We had the Lord's supper. As I prayed and ponder my day, I remember what Shannon Ethridge said in her book, Completely His, she had watched a video series by Vander Laan called That the World May Know. In this series he explains how in biblical times a bride-to-be was given a cup of wine by the groom-to-be, saying "I offer you my life". At that moment, the potential bride had a decision to make. If she did not care to marry the man, she refused the cup. If she was willing to marry him, she would take the cup and drink from it. By her actions, she was saying, "I receive your life, and I give you mine in return." With these traditions in mind, with the Lord's supper. Jesus handed the cup of wine to each of His disciples that night, He was saying, in essence, "Will you marry me? Will you be My spiritual bride?" At that moment His followers had a decision to make. They could reject the cup and refuse Jesus' spiritual marriage proposal, or they could drink from it, receiving His life, and offering theirs to Him in return. (paraphrased from the book pg.35)
As I took my little cup of grape juice. With tears of joy, I accepted His marriage proposal. "Yes Lord, I will be your bride. I know I will not always be faithful, but when I stray bring me back to you. Help me to be your bride, wasted white as snow with no blemishes. I want to walk worthy of your calling. I love you Lord." Oh, how sweet our Lord is! I know I have a tendency to be unfaithful to Him, but God knew that, and yet He loved me still. We love because He first loved us. Seek Him! Be still and listen. God is waiting for you, as for me. God's blessings!
-God's Princess Carmen

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